Order a repeat prescription

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If your animal is on long term medication, or a special diet, you will usually need to request a repeat supply. These can be ordered by completing and submitting the repeat prescription request form.

Repeat supplies of prescription-only medicines do need to be authorised by a veterinary surgeon and occasionally a discussion with the vet, usually by phone, may be needed. Some drugs and foods may need to be ordered into the practice, and all will need to be prepared, labelled, checked and, if required, sent to a branch surgery for collection. For these reasons we ask that requests for repeat prescriptions are made at least two full working days before collection. Please see the chart below to show your collection day.

Medication requested on: Collection day:
Monday Thursday
Tuesday Friday
Wednesday Monday
Thursday Tuesday
Friday Wednesday
Saturday Wednesday

Any animal on long-term medication does need regular check-ups to ensure that the drugs are still appropriate and effective and that the animal is not developing undue side effects. This requires our vets to see your pet after six months for their medicine to be reissued. Consequently, we will usually need to see an animal for a check-up at least twice a year in order to be able to continue to supply most prescriptions.

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